Environment & Safety Gas Processing/LNG Maintenance & Reliability Petrochemicals Process Control Process Optimization Project Management Refining

Baade, W. F.

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Allentown, Pwnnsylvania

CO2 capture from SMRs: A demonstration project

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: Baade, W. F.  |  Farnand, S.  |  Hutchison, R.  |  Welch, K.

Technical and economic results from this project will be key in determining the most effective path to commercialization.

Predict contaminant concentrations in deaerator-vent emissions

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: Baade, W. F.  |  Kunz, R. G.

Here is a tool to estimate maximum concentrations of contaminants in hydrogen-plant condensate

Consider using hydrogen plants to cogenerate power needs

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.: Baade, W. F.  |  Gagliardi, C.  |  Terrible, J.  |  Shahani, G.
Technip USA: Bredehoft, R.  |  Ralston, M.

Many forces are reshaping the worldwide hydrogen market; refiners have several options to receive steam and electrical power from a hydrogen plant

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